Quick Bible App Instructions

app instructions privacy

The Bible is composed of Books that contain Chapters that contain Verses. Scripture References are written as Book Chapter:Verse (Example: John 3:16). The purpose of the Quick Bible app is to help the user Navigate quickly to a passage of the Bible based on a known Scripture Reference. In this app, one chapter is shown at a time. The Current Verse will have a border around it. Note that the Current Verse is not the same as a Selected Verse.

Dark / Light Mode

Random Verse

Selecting Verses

Tap / Click to Select or Deselect a Verse. The interface indidcates Selected Verse(s). Highlight or Copy the Selected Verse(s), using the Menu Options.

To access the Menu, Long Press in the middle area (where the Verses are). Release to Choose a Menu Option.

* Due to technical limitations, this feature is only available on the iOS and Android Apps.

** Due to technical limitations, this feature requres an extra step on iOS on web. Click on the screen after you choose the option.

If you have more questions feel free to contact Daniel Goodwyn.