Quick Bible App Privacy

app instructions privacy

Your Data

When a user signs up to use this app, a profile is created which will store the following information in the Firebase database for use in the app:

This app doesn't have access to user passwords. Authentication is managed via Firebase. All the other data is accessible, and is only meant for use in the app. Users are not able to interact with eachother within this app.


Firebase is certified under major privacy and security standards.

To request that your account and associated data is deleted, or to request that some or all of your data is deleted, feel free to contact Daniel Goodwyn.

In this app, the versions feature directs users to BibleHub.com and the audio feature directs users to Audio.ESV.org - neither have any affiliation to this app.


This app uses The World English Bible (WEB) translation. The cross references feature uses OpenBible.info/labs/cross-references data.

COPPA compliance

Users under 13 must have parental permission to use this app.


This Privacy Policy was most recently updated May 22, 2020. To see the latest version, return to this web page.


If you have more questions feel free to contact Daniel Goodwyn.